Whether you have a home or a business, you are likely responsible for your property’s sewer lateral complianceStreamline Plumbing & Underground Sewer Construction offers sewer lateral compliance services for the Oakland, CA, area.

Sewer Lateral Compliance

We are dedicated to ensuring your sewer lateral compliance for residential and commercial properties in the Oakland, CA, and surrounding areas. As a property owner, it is your responsibility to guarantee that your property has the proper sewer lateral compliance.

Your property’s sewer lateral is the pipe that connects your residential or commercial property to the main sewer line. The sewer lateral is an underground pipe, which is often considered the property and therefore the responsibility of the homeowner or business owner.

Streamline Plumbing & Underground Sewer Construction provides services necessary for you to obtain a compliance certificate. You may be required under the East Bay Municipal Utility District’s Regional Private Sewer Lateral Program to demonstrate your property’s sewer lateral compliance.

Our Services

Our contractors have been serving the Oakland, CA, community since 1990 and have replaced more than 10,000 sewers since. Whatever your sewer problems are, we are prepared to find the solutions.

We understand that sewer problems may strike when you least expect it and that they can have dire consequences. Because of this, we offer 24/7 emergency services so that no matter when you call we will rush to find the solution.

We use in-line video cameras to diagnose the problems with your sewer system and to find precisely where we need to begin repairs to obtain the sewer lateral compliance that you need to move forward. We even offer a sewer inspection to our residential customers because we are committed to providing exactly what you need.

Our contractors are experienced working with a variety of properties including:

  • Homes
  • Apartments
  • Hotels
  • Businesses
  • New construction sites
  • HOA’s

Streamline Plumbing & Underground Sewer Construction provides sewer lateral compliance services for all Oakland, CA, and surrounding city properties. Contact us today through our online form or by calling (510) 481-0380 to schedule a consultation.